PIC microcontrollers have been round for a very long time — longer than the AVR cores that energy most Arduino boards. Regardless of their immense reputation, PIC dev boards are sometimes fully distinctive, making them incompatible with add-ons designed for different dev boards. This fusion of the PIC18F footprint and the Arduino format results in an incredible platform for creating USB-based PIC purposes!
The format follows the ever present UNO format however has an additional optionally available header that may be added to entry all of the pins on the larger 40-pin DIP package deal. Sockets permit for both the smaller 20 and 28-pin or bigger 40-pin DIP variations of the PIC18F sequence. There are a variety of totally different chips within the 18F sequence, however they often keep pinout compatibility with one another, permitting you to maneuver up and down when it comes to Flash dimension, RAM, clock velocity, and peripherals as wanted.
We love that the board makes use of USB-C — we will’t wait to eliminate all of our Micro-B cables! — and the usual 6-pin PIC ICSP header can also be damaged out. The ICSP header can plug instantly into the PICKIT 2, 3, 4, ICD 3/4, or the brand new, inexpensive MPLAB Snap. Throw within the typical issues on an Arduino-style board (on-board LED, crystal oscillator, reset button) and some good touches just like the labelled pin headers, and also you’ve obtained an incredible PIC growth package deal able to go!